Revival of Desulfurization Tower Mark
港航子午线 · 2022-09-09 18:31:08 · 热度:加载中...


Revival of Desulfurization Tower Market


Many shipowner companies have introduced desulfurization tower into their sub-fleet recently.It is reported that there is a desulfurization surge before 2030.


At the end of 2020, Headway successfully delivered three sets of EGCS to OOCL


12 New Ships Euipped with Desulfurization Towers近日,Himalaya Shipping表示,其已经决定将在中国建造的12艘新造船上全部装上脱硫塔。

Himalaya Shipping said it had decided to epuip 12 chinese newly-made boats  with desulfurization towers.

这家在奥斯陆上市的公司表示,它已与新时代船厂达成协议,在新建的12 艘船舶上安装脱硫塔,且并不会对交船日期产生影响。去年6月,Himalaya斥资8亿美元在新时代船厂订购了12艘LNG动力散货船。计划在2023年第二季度至2024年第四季度交付。该公司补充说,已经以“有吸引力的价格和付款条件”签订合同签订购买了这批脱硫塔设备。如上文所述,其实,这批船是LNG双燃料船舶,而船东中途突然决定再加装脱硫塔,足见改种设备目前的经济效益有多诱人。

The Oslo-listed company said it had reached a deal with New Era company to equip towers on 12 new ships and there is no impact on delivery dates.Himalaya spent $800 million on 12 LNG-powered bulk carriers at New Era in June last year. Deliveries are planned between the second quarter of 2023 and the fourth quarter of 2024.The company added that it had signed a contract to buy the desulfurization tower equipment at an attractive price and payment.As mentioned above, the ships are dual-fuel LNG. Through the owner's sudden decision to equip desulfurization towers halfway we can see how attractive the current economic benefits of the equipment.

低硫燃料和高硫燃料之间的巨大价格差异意味着最近几个月装有脱硫塔的船舶每天的收入要高得多。Clarksons Securities 估计目前好望角型船平均每天的收入为 5,600 美元,但那些拥有脱硫塔的船舶可以在此基础上再增加 8,900 美元。而该船东公司则认为,根据新加坡目前燃油的现货定价,投资脱硫塔预计每天可带来 7,500 美元的总收益。Himalaya方面表示,这批船舶将有能力在交付后使用液化天然气或两种类型(高低硫油)的燃油作为燃料。“这为我们的客户提供了显着增加的灵活性,并将在正在进行的就业讨论中发挥重要作用,”该船东公司补充道。

The big price gap between low-sulphur and high-sulphur fuels means ships equipped with desulfurization towers have earned much higher daily revenues in recent months.Clarksons Securities estimated that capesize ships currently have earned an average of $5,600 a day, but those with towers can earn more $8,900.Based on Singapore's current spot pricing for fuel, the ship owner said the tower is expected to generate $7,500 a day in total revenue.Himalaya said that ships would be able to run on liquefied natural gas (LNG) or two types of fuel (high and low sulphur) after delivery. "This provides our customers flexibility and will play an important role in ongoing employment discussions," the shipowner added.


Large Tanker Owners Should Install Desulfurization Towers

在近期发布的年中报中,知名油轮船东公司DHT Holding公司表示将再投资2500万美元9(约合人民币1.7亿美元)为旗下另外8艘船舶安装脱硫塔。In the recent annual report, DHT Holding, a prominent tanker owner, said it would invest an additional $25 million to install desulfurization towers on its eight ships. 


DHT has a fleet of 24 VLCCS. After the tower conversion project is completed, all of its 23 ships will be Scrubber ships.

不久前,另一家美国上市公司,散货船船东Star Bulk一直是脱硫塔的忠实拥护者,作为满足 IMO 2020 硫排放新规的一种手段,该公司在 2020 年的时候就为旗下114艘船舶安装了脱硫塔。

Recently, another US-listed company, the Bulk carrier Star Bulk, has been a staunch supporter of desulfurization towers, installing them on 114 of its ships in 2020 as a way to meet IMO's 2020 new sulfur emissions regulations.

今日该公司也公布了二季度财报,该公司报告称,2020 年第二季度业绩强劲,净利润为 2 亿美元,而 2021 年第二季度的净利润为 1.242 亿美元。

The company also reported second quarter earnings today. It reported strong results for the second quarter of 2020 with net income of $200 million, compared with net income of $124.2 million for the second quarter of 2021.

该公司在财务报告中还介绍到,公司已经在两年多一点的时间内收回了用于脱硫塔改装的2.5亿美元的投资。The company also reported in its financial statement that it had recouped its $250 million investment in desulfurization tower retrofits in a little more than two years.

Star Bulk 首席执行官Petros Pappas表示:“由于我们的船队(128 艘自有船舶)中94%都安装了脱硫塔,这些脱硫塔应该会在可预见的未来增加我们的盈利能力。”Petros Pappas, the chief executive officer of Star Bulk, said: "With desulphurisation towers installed in 94 per cent of our fleet (128 owned ships), these should increase our profitability for the foreseeable future."

其还表示,“由于船舶供应有限, 即将出台的新的环境法规可能进一步限制船舶订购并降低船舶航行速度, 目前我们具有竞争力的运营成本控制非常好加上我们有配备脱硫塔的船队,因此,尽管宏观经济环境看似不确定,我们仍对公司的收入前景保持乐观。”

It added, "Due to the limited supply of vessels, upcoming new environmental regulations may further restrict vessel orders and reduce vessel sailing speeds. Currently, we have competitive operating costs and a fleet of vessels euipped with desulfurization towers. As a result, we remain optimistic about the company's revenue outlook despite the seemingly uncertain macroeconomic environment."

成品油轮船东公司 Torm 也收购了脱硫塔供应商 ME Productions 75% 的股份。且Torm 已在其 50% 以上的船舶上安装了这种设备。

Torm, a product tanker owner, has also acquired a 75% stake in ME Productions, a supplier of desulphurization towers. Torm has already installed such equipment on more than 50% of its vessels.


Latest report: Desulfurization Tower Will Go Viral Again Before 2030!

根据一家名为Acumen Research & Consulting 的咨询公司的说法,随着对环境要求的提高和对船舶排放的关注,未来几年船用脱硫塔市场可能会出现爆炸式增长。

According to a consulting firm called Acumen Research & Consulting, the market for marine desulfurization towers is likely to explode in the coming years as environmental requirements increase and concerns about ship emissions are raised.

这家咨询公司在其新报告“Marine Scrubber Market Size – Global Industry Share, Analysis, Trends and Forecast 2022 – 2030”中称,洗涤器市场将从今天的 35 亿美元增长到2030年的约163 亿美元。

In its new report, "Marine Scrubber Market Size - Global Industry Share, Analysis, Trends and Forecast 2022 - 2030," the consulting firm says the scrubber market will grow from $3.5 billion today to about $16.3 billion by 2030.


The report reads, "Increasing environmental concerns are one of the main factors driving the demand for desulfurization towers. Maritime transportation has a direct impact on air quality in many coastal communities around the world."

"The impact of ship exhaust on air pollution is significant, especially sulfur oxide emissions from fuel oil combustion."

Source:Xinde Marine
